A great amount of choices of T-Shirts, caps, mugs, plates and other presses.
Strong of our experience, we decided to get involved in manufacturing heat presses establishing a new factory in China and its susidiary in Hong Kong.
To treat all garment and hard support, we created five evolutive ranges for t-shirts, caps, mugs, plates, accessories, etc.
Our diverse product line includes machines performing high quality pressing for inkjet, laser, sublimation transfer papers, flocking and many other heat seal processes.
From small productions to industrial ones, we provide manual, pneumatic and automatic versions, all at the best quality price ratio.
Seeking for competitive advantages, we have perfected our presses designing evolutive accessories compatible within one same range.
In the same way, we remain at your disposal for any designing and manufacturing special requests, such as painting customization, accessories, plate size, etc.
PROMATTEX INTERNATIONAL - S.A.S. au capital de 15.000 € - R.C.S. BOBIGNY - SIRET : 492 643 002 00024 - N° de TVA : Fr61492643002
ZI des Chanoux - 25, rue Louis Ampère - 93330 NEUILLY-SUR-MARNE - FRANCE - Tél. : - Fax :