Exclusively designed by Promattex International, PROMACUT cutting plotters combine speed and accuracy with always competitive prices.
This entry level range of plotters is ideal for customers who want to start in textile heat transfer like flex, flock and printable materials and adhesive vinyl cutting.
PromaCut range has a simple and easy to use control panel, provided with WinPCSign Basic
version which enables to make a direct designing and to import logos from Corel Draw or Ilustrator softwares.
Furthermore, Promattex can provide your numerous accessories and materials (blades, holders for tools, Teflon tapes, roll holder) with extremely competitive prices.
PROMATTEX INTERNATIONAL - S.A.S. au capital de 15.000 € - R.C.S. BOBIGNY - SIRET : 492 643 002 00024 - N° de TVA : Fr61492643002
ZI des Chanoux - 25, rue Louis Ampère - 93330 NEUILLY-SUR-MARNE - FRANCE - Tél. : - Fax :